Recipe: Indonesian spare ribs van de barbecue | Cultiviz

Indonesian spare ribs

To cook these spare ribs, we’re going to the Far East. Deliciously tender and juicy ribs with a sweet taste.

The preparation is easy, because you only have to rub the ribs with a simple rub. Then we let them cook for three hours. Meanwhile, we make a sauce based on sweet soy sauce for a sweet twist. After three hours we remove the spare ribs from the barbecue, cover them with the sauce and put them back on the barbecue for another hour.

1. Remove the silver skin
Spareribs marineren
2. Marinade the ribs
Spareribs op de bbq
3. Spare ribs on the grill
Spareribs saus maken
4. Make the sauce
Spareribs met saus
5. Rub with the sauce
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Indonesian spare ribs

To cook these spare ribs, we’re going to the Far East. Deliciously tender and juicy ribs with a sweet taste.
Prep time1 hour 15 minutes
Cooking time4 hours
Servings: 2 persons
Author: Cultiviz


  • 2 spare ribs of 1 – 1.25 kg
  • salt
  • pepper
  • garlic powder
  • a handful of wood chips preferably with a fruit flavor
  • the sauce
  • 70 ml sweet soy sauce
  • 40 gr bastard sugar
  • 1 tbsp ginger finely chopped
  • 2 cloves garlic finely chopped
  • 1 shallot finely chopped
  • white pepper
  • black pepper


  • Preparing the spare ribs
  • Rinse the spare ribs under cold running water to remove any excess grit. Then pat the ribs dry with kitchen paper.
  • Remove the membrane from the spare ribs. The membrane is located on the concave side. Remove the fleece by, for example, placing a spreading knife behind it. Loosen it so that you can pull the fleece off.
  • Sprinkle both sides of the meat with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Then rub the spices into the meat well. Leave it on for about an hour.
  • Firing up the barbecue
  • Prepare the barbecue for indirect grilling. Maintain a temperature of approximately 125 °C. Place a drip pan in the center of the barbecue.
  • Meanwhile, soak the wood chips in a container of water for half an hour. Then take them out and let them drain.
  • When the barbecue has reached the right temperature, sprinkle the wood chips on the charcoal. After the first hour of cooking the spare ribs, sprinkle wood chips on the coals again.
  • Making the sauce
  • Mix all the ingredients for the sauce in a saucepan and add three tablespoons of water. Bring this to a boil over high heat and let it cook for 5 minutes. Stir the sauce regularly.
  • Remove the sauce from the heat and let it reach room temperature. The sauce will thicken. If it thickens too much, add some water.
  • Cooking the spare ribs
  • Place the spare ribs on the grid above the drip tray. Let them cook for about 3 hours.
  • Remove the spare ribs from the barbecue, brush them with the sauce and place them back on the barbecue. Remove the spare ribs from the barbecue after half an hour and brush them again with the sauce.
  • The spare ribs are ready when the meat has pulled away from the bones about an inch at the end and your ribs can be pulled apart easily.
  • Remove the spare ribs from the barbecue and let them rest for 3 minutes. Enjoy your meal.

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