Bavette: What is it? And how to cook it?
From frying, grilling, cooking to cutting
You may already have it at home or maybe not yet, but you want to cook a bavette. In this article we talk about how to cook bavette. But first we describe what a bavette is and then we share some tasty recipes.
Table of contents
- Chapter 1: What is bavette?
- Chapter 2: Cutting a bavette
- Chapter 3: How to cook bavette?
- Chapter 4: Core Temperature & Cuisson
- Chapter 5: Recipe: Rolled stuffed bavette with chimichurri
- Chapter 6: More recipes with bavette
Chapter 1
What is bavette?
Bavette is a beef steak cut from the abdominal muscles of the beef. It’s a flavorful piece of meat, but is very lean, containing almost no fat. The grain of bavette is very long and makes it a bit tougher than some other cuts, but marinating and slow cooking can tenderize it.
Other names are: flap steak and bavette. The name bavette comes from France and there are three types: bavette à pot-au-feu (to stew or boil), bavette d’aloyau and bavette de flanchet (bavette). The last two can be cooked as steak.
The taste
Bavette has an intense steak flavor, but can be a bit chewy. Unlike, for example, a picanha. That’s why we recommend that you eat it in thin pieces. Cut against the grain of course.
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Cutting a bavette
Make sure you don’t use a serrated knife to cut a bavette. This destroys the fibers, causing meat juices to be lost. Cut it against the grain of the meat with a sharp knife. Then cut thin slices.
The finch steak is cut from the leanest part of the catch. In contrast to the bavette, the finch flap is the part of the catch that has a finer structure and a longer grain. It’s also less fat-veined.
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How to cook bavette?
The bavette is a fairly wide and thin piece of meat. It is between 2.5 and 4 cm thick at the thickest part and gets thinner towards the end. This means that it cooks very quickly. When cooking the meat, make sure that it’s not overcooked. The meat should still be a little red inside.
The steak can be cooked in different ways. You can fry a bavette in the pan, grill it on the barbecue, cook it in the oven or even stir-fry it. But we like to cook it on the barbecue. This gives the meat a nice smoky taste. It also gives the outside a nice crunchy edge.
It’s not wrong to leave the fat in for the taste. But if it’s prepared as red meat, it needs a few weeks to mature first.
Marinating bavette
Bavette is quite tasty in itself and seasoning with just salt and pepper is enough. It also tastes very good with some chimichurri. Still, you can marinate bavette for more taste and variety.
Compared to other steaks, it’s quite a tough piece of meat. Marinating a bavette makes it a lot more tender and of course it gives extra flavor to the meat.
- Let the meat come to room temperature before you start frying it in a pan.
- Melt a knob of butter in a cast iron skillet or in a heavy-bottomed pan on high heat. Let the meat brown on both sides for a few minutes.
- Lower the heat and let the bavette roast for about 3 minutes.
- Remove the steak from the pan and let it rest wrapped in aluminum for 8 minutes.
- This will let the meat juice. The steak will be a lot tastier.
The same first two steps apply to cooking the bavette in the oven as for frying it in a pan.
- Let the meat come to room temperature before you start frying it in a pan. Preheat the oven to 75-80℃.
- Melt a knob of butter in a pan on high heat. Brown the meat on both sides for a few minutes.
- Remove the bavette from the pan and put it in the oven until a core temperature of 50 ℃ is reached.
You can cook bavette on the BBQ by grilling it directly or indirectly. Below is a recipe where we grill it directly and then indirectly. So we first heat the barbecue for a few minutes and then let the meat cook slowly to the right core temperature.
In this recipe we also make a chimichurri sauce. That’s a spicy garlic-parsley sauce that goes perfectly with any kind of steak.
Below is a video of a bavette roulade with chimichurri.
- Cut hard aromatic vegetables into roughly dice-sized pieces and fry them together with dried spices and herbs, on low heat for about 15 minutes, in butter or olive oil.
- Cut the bavette into pieces of 2 to 3 cm and sprinkle with pepper, salt and a little bit of flour for the binding. Pieces that are cut too small, will dry the meat out faster.
- Fry the pieces briefly on high heat. Remove the meat from the pan as soon as it turns brown.
- Deglaze the crusts in the pan with water in combination with beer, wine, brandy or vodka at room temperature. Scrape everything off the bottom with a wooden spoon, and then add the meat back in. Top up the liquid until the meat is just covered. Beef broth, coconut milk or canned tomatoes are also very suitable options for the stew. Acidic liquids make the meat more tender. Therefore add a dash of vinegar, mustard or apple syrup to coconut milk and beef stock.
- Let it simmer for 2 to 4 hours on the smallest burner on a simmering plate or in a preheated oven at 140°C. Be careful, the meat should not boil, otherwise it will dry out fast. Add more boiling water if necessary.
- If you want a full meal, add the hard vegetables half an hour before the meat is fully cooked. Or add soft vegetables 15 minutes before it’s fully cooked.
- If the stew is too watery, thicken it with a cold cornmeal paste. You can also let the whole thing thicken over high heat, but first remove all the meat.
- The stew is ready when you can pull it apart. Taste it in between and add more pepper, salt, sour or sweet if necessary.
Sous vide cooking
- Put the bavette with marinade in a plastic bag, vacuum and seal it.
- Heat the water to 54°C and place the bag in it for 2 hours.
- Grill the bavette for a few minutes (the time depends on the desired redness of the meat) and let the meat rest in foil before slicing it.
Chapter 4
Core Temperature & Cuisson
The table below shows the correct core temperature for the bavette per cooking stage. To achieve the right cuisson you can use the table below. Keep in mind that the core temperature of the meat will rise slightly while resting.
Bright red | Rosé | Light rosé – brownish | Grey | Grey-brown |
45 – 50 ℃ | 51 – 57 ℃ | 59 – 63 ℃ | 65 – 67 ℃ | >70 C |
Chapter 5
Recipe: Rolled Stuffed Bavette (carpaccio style)
Rolled stuffed flank steak (carpaccio style)
- 1 kg flank steak
- truffle mayonnaise
- 1 red onion
- handful of sun-dried tomatoes
- handful of pine nuts
- Parmesan cheese
- pepper
- salt
- Prepare the barbecue for indirect grilling. Maintain a temperature of approximately 150 °C.
- Place the flank steak on a cutting board and pat it dry with kitchen paper. Then cut the meat open. To do this, lay the flank steak vertically with the long sides to the side. Open the steak.
- Spread the truffle mayo on the meat but try to keep the sides clear. Otherwise it will just leak. Spread the remaining ingredients on the flank steak as well. Toast the pine nuts and sprinkle them on top as well.
- Close the flank steak and tie the stuffed meat with cooking twine. Four pieces of twine is basically enough. If you have a really large piece, use another piece of twine. Then sprinkle it with some sea salt and pepper.
- Place the beef roll on the barbecue for about an hour. It is ready at a temperature of about 50°C. The temperature may be a bit more difficult to measure because of the different layers of the roll. Do this carefully.
- Remove the flank steak roll from the barbecue. Let it rest loosely covered with aluminum foil for 10 minutes.
- Cut the cooking twine. Enjoy your dinner!
Chapter 6
All recipes
Looking for more inspiration? Then see below more recipes with bavette. Or check our beef recipes for even more inspiration.
Marinated bavette with miso, ginger and garlic
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